Friday, November 2, 2007

Chewy and Yoda

Ladies and Gentleman, introducing....our great furry friend Chewbacca and his sidekick Yoda! It just wouldn't have been a complete Halloween if Nantou didn't join in on the fun. Over the past week, Kimball had a handful of opportunites to dress up in his little Chewy uni at the trunk or treat, Coop's party, Lola's birthday and the big night. I thought I'd switch it up a little for his girlfriend Lola (the skunk)'s birthday and dress him as Adam. I faux'd his hair and he was lookin pretty studly in those 'fig leaves', unfortunately it lasted roughly 15 secs. before he unglued each leaf one by one.

If you are ever so interested in a plethora of the fun Hallo pics that I took over the past week, go to my little Halloween video montage on

Oh wait, and one more thing. I would like to announce my personal favorite for the year. Please tell me this is not for real. You may just have to know my niece Mikelle (she lives in Reno and is 10 years old) but this is by far the most incredibly uncanny and quite hilarious impersonation I have ever seen. I could not stop dying laughing, I love her!



Dallas (司馬光) said...

How do you handle having such a cute kid? I mean, that kid cracks me up. Hope all is going well for you guys.


Rani said...

OMG, I love the costumes! Hysterical! I also love the attempt at Adam.