Monday, December 10, 2007

Saturday Snow

The last 2 Saturdays have dumped on us and it's been so much fun. We intended to take Kimball sledding with his cousins but he fell asleep, hopefully this Saturday we'll get a third dumparoo. A kid in a snowsuit is so funny to pick up. They don't mold to your body or wrap their legs around you, it's just one stiff brick.
The snow sat halfway up Kimball's back!

Kimball pushing the snowblower, Erik had started with the driveway, then plowed the sidewalks and by the time he got back to the driveway this thin blanket of snow had fallen again!


Leslie and Dave said...

I am so jealous of your snow. I think it makes for a magical Christmas. I love your new family pics in the top corner.

Sunny said...

Tell Kimball he can't fall asleep next time we go sledding. He's going to LOVE it. Mike sent Josh down the hill by himself. He didn't even move, he just looked at us like. . "What just happened?"

Rani said...

What a little doll face. I love your family photos in the snow!