Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Enough already on the hair!

Okay so because many of you that haven't seen me yet are hounding me about the hair, here you have it. I'm glad I took the plunge. It's nice to have a change. I ran into a girl yesterday that used to live in our neighborhood and no matter what I said she was not registering who I was until I practically spelled it out for her, so funny. I've tried to be extra cognisant of various strangers' dealings with me, like whether or not being a brunette grants certain rights of credibility or maybe on the flipside, people would be more rude to me. But to my disappointment for the likes of a good story, people seem the same. But maybe now I can more easily get away with being a little absent minded at times, I could use a few freebies.


The Cliftens said...

It is very "striking",,as my mom would say. :) You look beautiful! Who did it?

Sunny said...

OK, OK!! I take back everything I said. I absolutely LOVE it!!!! What a babe. I'm so glad you did it. YOu really look so different. So cute.

Sunny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Love, love love!!!

Hartley Family said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! I didn't know you decided to actually go dark- I LOVE it and it makes me want to do mine again!!!! LOVE IT! You're beautiful!

The Bacigalupi's said...

Your hair looks great! I would love to do something drastic,but I am a big wimp when it comes to my hair and change.

Jessica said...

Finally some pics. Hot mama!i went to the Grotto tonight and picked up some awesome teas. I have already tried all 3!

Leslie and Dave said...

Seriously you look HOT! It makes me want to do mine. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Dang, girl! LOVE IT!

Becky said...

It looks SO GOOD! I knew it would make your eyes pop!

Tiffany said...

Wow, you look amazing. I LOVE the dark. I took the plunge too, and yes I had a similar situation where someone didn't recognize me, but it was my OBGYN. I was talking to her like normal, at Costco, and then I realized that the confused look on her face meant, "Who is this random person talking to me?" Anyways...your color is great, who did it? You are gorgeous darling, absolutely gorgeous.

Dixons said...

Hello, Hottie! (Not you, Erik) I love it! I went dark 6 years ago when I moved to So. Cal and everyone was blonde and I haven't gone back. Welcome to the club! It looks so great!

Melissa said...

Looks awesome! I wish I could do it. I tried it once (not as dark as you though) and it looked 'aight--nothing great. I am a blondie. I love it though--you're a hot mama!

Denise said...

For those who asked, her name is Anne, she is a friend of my neighbor, I have her contact info

Nikki said... me, Adam Green callked! You're busted girl! ha ha ha....

Rani said...

Wow D! I'm so glad you did it. I was wondering if you were going to actually do it and post pics. I voted for the dark too. You look incredible and your eyes just pop!

Dani said...

i don't even know you anymore.

Dani said...

That comment was from Tan! I think you're hair looks great!