Thursday, July 31, 2008

A first for everything

including the ice cream man! A few weeks ago we all of a sudden heard some music playing outside (funny that it was "rudolph the red nosed reindeer") when Kimball asked what that was. I told him to hurry and get ready to run as I grabbed my camera and some $. Kimball Nantou and I ran out the front door to chase him down but he'd already headed down the neighborhood. We just kept walking and walking hoping he wasn't far and Kimball was so excited when I told him we were going after the "ice cream man." Sure enough, we heard the music getting closer and there he was, heading down our way, Kimball gave him a good taxi wave and there you have it. His first transaction with the good ole ice cream man.


Sunny said...

Denise, don't you know that the ice cream man put needles in his ice cream and you should never let your kids buy it from him? :) J/K But that's what Mike always says that about the ice cream man and Halloween candy. What sort of scare tactics did your parents use anyway?

We have a guy that cruises around our neighborhood about 6 times a day. It gets to be annoying. If you're ever outside he'll slow down and sometimes stop and stare at you hoping you'll be his next customer. I'm real good at igorning him, or hurring to shuffle the kids inside before he gets too close. :)

Miriam Oh Painter said...

I remember chasing the ice cream man all over the neighborhood and then becoming a driver myself! I only lasted 2 weeks, but it was a good experience! kind of...Yeah for Kimball!

Becky said...

Did Naunto not get any?

Jake & Britt said...

That is so Cute!! He is getting so big!! Hope all is well! : )